Yellow Circle Shape Illustration

Better Tomorrow

Transformative Wellness Coaching

Yoga on the beach

The ultimate holistic wellness coaching program to relieve caregiver burnout

and improve the quality of life of extraordinary mothers.

Are you a mother to child with a disability or special health care needs?

Are you ready to feel inspired and empowered...and take exquisite care of your body + soul?


Tired Woman Working from Home
  • You're struggling with emotional and physical ​exhaustion and overwhelm in your daily life
  • You feel like no one understands your circumstances ​and feel isolated and alone in your motherhood journey
  • You’re finding it difficult to stay motivated and optimistic ​in the face of ongoing challenges and setbacks
  • You're struggling to find time for self-care and constantly ​feeling burned out from the relentless caregiver ​responsibilities
  • You find it hard to find HEALTHY ways to cope with your ​overwhelming emotions and pressures of parenting a ​child with extraordinary needs
  • You know it's time to make you a priority...but you don't ​know where to start

Absolutely Thriving!!!



Mother Carrying Her Daughter with Down Syndrome in the Field
  • connect with a supportive community where you can ​meet others who understand your challenges
  • feel empowered to handle the stress and demands of ​your extraordinary life with grace and resilience
  • be the healthiest woman you know, who prioritizes ​herself while caring for her family
  • experiencing a higher quality of life, filled with joy, ​gratitude, and fulfillment despite the struggles
  • feel a sense of peace and confidence in knowing that ​you are doing everything in your power to support ​your extraordinary family and care for yourself
  • be energized and motivated, with a renewed sense of ​purpose and passion while caring for your family

No more "some day" mentality. No more fatigue, guilt, and shame.


Flourish Forward



Hi! I'm Melissa, the owner of BETTER TOMORROW COACHING and creator of the ​FLOURISH FORWARD program. Life is unpredictable by nature, and I certainly have ​been thrown a few curveballs. But I truly believe that everyone has the potential to ​take control of their overall health and live life to the fullest. I am dedicated to ​empowering women, like you, to gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills ​necessary to lead a beautifully balanced life and become the VIBRANT, THRIVING ​WOMAN you were always meant to be!

I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Kent State University and a Master ​of Science in Nursing from Ohio State University. I am nationally board-certified as ​both a Nurse Practitioner and Transformative Wellness Coach. After gaining ​valuable experience in pediatric primary care, I obtained my coaching certification ​through the Nurse Coach Collective. I am also a certified holistic weight loss coach ​with advanced training in functional medicine.

As a proud mom of two incredible young girls, one whom has Down syndrome, I ​understand the challenges of prioritizing self-care. But I know how crucial it is to for ​our entire family that I take good care of myself. I want to be the positive role model ​they see every day! And I want to help you shift your perspective, take control of ​your life, and reshape your future. I am excited to help you co-create a plan that will ​enhance your well-being. I consider it a privilege to be by your side on your wellness ​journey and witness your TRANSFORMATION! You will receive both community ​SUPPORT and personalized ACCOUNTABILITY to reach your goals and have the ​necessary skills to continue living a balanced life beyond our time together!


Ready to go from frustrated to


The core of Flourish Forward is our weekly group ​meetings combined with one-on-one coaching ​support once a month or as needed.

Each week I'll guide you through new modules ​that dive into a different aspect of resilience and ​healthy coping mechanisms to deal with our big ​thoughts and emotions.

You'll also have access to workbooks and ​resources to help you implement the lifestyle ​changes we talk about, and guide your ​transformation.

Everything is taken care of.

I provide you with all the tools and strategies you ​need to become the healthiest version of you ​while you continue to be the amazing mama you ​always knew you were...and I'll be right by your ​side, supporting you along the way.

Bring your most vibrant, energetic & ​healthiest self to the world. By the end of this ​program, you will...

  • feel excited every day that you are finally ​achieving your life goals
  • feel happier and more in tune with yourself
  • no longer feel stuck in a pattern of ​unhealthy coping behaviors
  • feel healthier and happier than ever before
  • have made incredible lifelong connections ​with other women who get it
  • achieve the sort of calm wellbeing you ​hadn't even known was possible
  • have transformed your daily routines and ​rituals to support the best possible version ​of yourself
  • know that you have made changes to help ​you prevent disease and extend your life ​and be there to as the rock to your family

“It’s not about perfection. It’s about purpose. We have to care about our bodies and what we put in them. Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health—take time for self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see you the way you see you, and treat you the way you treat yourself.”



What sets my program apart from the rest?

Comforting a friend in need

community support ​with a customized ​approach

Woman in Loungewear Reading a Book

comprehensive resources

Happy Asian woman hiking

sustainable changes

I understand the ​importance of a ​supportive community ​but also know that each ​individual is unique. ​That's why my program ​offers the opportunity ​for personalized ​coaching tailored to your ​specific needs and goals. ​Say goodbye to generic ​solutions that don't ​address your unique ​concerns.

With this program, you'll ​receive a wealth of ​resources at your ​fingertips, including ​educational materials ​and ongoing support. I’m ​here to empower you ​every step of the way.

I don't believe in quick ​fixes or temporary ​results. Flourish Forward ​is designed to equip you ​with the knowledge and ​tools necessary to make ​lasting changes that ​promote lifelong health ​and overall wellness for ​your mind, body, and ​soul.

What topics are covered in the Program?

  • Welcome to your vibrant, thriving life

  • Your strength within: Building resilience

  • The power of thought

  • beyond belief

  • the happiness-health connection

  • the foundations of well-being

  • Self-care: nurture yourself to nurture others

  • Your peace within: Managing stress

  • embrace your emotions

  • shift your mindset

  • relinquish your need for control

  • practice gratitude to find joy

  • foster positive relationships

  • improve self-awareness & be present

  • discover your purpose

  • Celebrate & Plan Your Next Chapter

What else is included in this program?

In addition to the group meetings and comprehensive resources you will get each week, ​you will also get MONTHLY one-on-one SUPPORT and ACCOUNTABILITY from me as ​your very own personal health and wellness coach. This program offers high ​accountability to keep you on track of your goals. This isn’t a quick fix! This program ​will not yield temporary results, but will set you up for long-lasting success to live your ​healthiest life.

What is a Transformational wellness Coach ​and Why do you Need one?

Coaching increases awareness. With increased awareness, you will have the ability to ​become an observer of your life. Together we will co-create a plan by taking a closer ​look at your life from the perspective of an “observer” and figure out what your goals ​are and what obstacles are in the way of achieving ultimate health and happiness. ​Coaching can help you get in control of your feelings and emotions through awakened ​awareness, instead of numbing them and running on autopilot. Personalized, 1:1 ​coaching with me can help you accelerate your transformation and reach your desired ​dreams. Inside our private coaching container, I will hold space for you and give you ​the opportunity to make yourself and your health a priority and treat yourself with true ​loving kindness! This is not about dwelling on past failures, feeling guilty, or unpacking ​your past. This is about embracing the present, moving forward from where you are ​now, and making your life exactly what you want it to be!

A Group of People Meditating on a Beach

What people are ​saying about me...

Quotation Mark


Melissa’s help came at a critical time for me. I have been at a low point in managing my weight and being focused on my overall health. She met with me several times and we discussed challenges, goals, setbacks and successes. Her encouragement and knowledgeable advice were so motivating for me. I knew I needed to make changes, but she was there to help walk me through what they could be and cheer me on along the way. The concept and idea of a health coach was new to me. Working with Melissa during this time allowed me to see how beneficial it would be for many people as well as myself.

Yoga instructor doing yoga on beach
Quotation Mark


I have had the pleasure of working with Melissa and would highly recommend her incredible coaching skills to anyone trying to get on track - both mind and body. The biggest changes I have noticed since beginning to work with her have been my attitude, diet, and exercise. Melissa helped me turn my inner negative into positive, peaceful energy to be able to be an active participant in healing my life. I am more grateful, and I’m beginning to lose weight. Melissa was sensitive to my needs, a person who used her knowledge to help my spirit and body. She helped me put my lost puzzle pieces together to grow and heal after being off track for a few years. Her nurturing skills allowed me to find the inner strength to empower myself.

Women Meditating at the Beach
Quotation Mark


As I started my meetings with Melissa, my thoughts started to shift. I made a plan for myself. If I wasn’t taking care of myself then how was I going to continue to take care of my kids. She encouraged me to write down my goals, and she encouraged me to find one goal to work with at a time. She spoke to me in a genuine compassionate friendly way making me comfortable to share. Melissa talked to me about my goals and really put my life in perspective. I wrote down my plan to lose some weight and feel healthier again. I gained a new perspective on breathing and really taking responsibility for myself and my plan. Started a meditation with my kids. Ultimately it has to be me. I learned how to forgive myself if I get off track during a holiday because, let’s be honest, life can do that. Melissa is easy to talk to and to be honest with. I’ve benefited from her coaching and would recommend her to my friends that are struggling and need that final push to finding their healing and best life.

Young Hispanic Women Happy To Be At The Beach
Quotation Mark


My experience working with Melissa was extremely beneficial. She was always very professional, compassionate, and was able to motivate me with obtainable goals. She was able to provide guidance for helping me in different areas that were realistic. Through the process, she shared some things about her life that made me realize that it is okay to struggle and that it is okay to not have a “perfect life.” In the times that we met, I talked to her about a lot of things that I am not satisfied with. She was very calming and optimistic. She was able to break down the big picture to me and help me get back on track one step at a time. Melissa was so genuine and supportive. I was feeling down about some things and she helped me change my mindset and realize that a productive struggle is okay, as long as I am working toward my goals and not giving up. I think that through this process I learned to reconnect with pride in myself. I often get down on myself if I tend to fall off the path I want to be on. Melissa showed me the importance and value in persistence and hitting the reset button. Without any question, I would recommend Melissa’s coaching to anyone looking for personal growth in any area! She is so sweet, authentic, professional, knowledgeable, loving, and encouraging. She is simply the best!


  • you’re ready to build strong connections and ​relationships with others who share similar ​experiences and can offer empathy, ​understanding, and support
  • you’re committed to prioritizing your mental and ​emotional health, and finding healthy ways to ​cope with the challenges in your life
  • you want to feel a sense of calm and readiness to ​face adversity, knowing that you have the ​strength and resources to navigate your ​struggles effectively
  • you want to feel a stronger bond within your ​family



  • find peace
  • become more resilient
  • master self-care
  • love yourself
  • feel more life balance
  • create healthy habits for life
  • manage stress effectively
  • experience personal growth
  • foster hope

Then I invite you to join me in this life-changing program.



Let's talk about whether this program is a good fit for you!

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